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say it with crystal

this is about me, my days, my thoughts and my bead jewelry work. Some postings are in indonesian, and some are in english.

Mittwoch, April 27, 2005

Learning and Getting the Idea

Learning. Belajar.
Apa sich belajar?
Yang gue inget definisi belajar adalah: Proses dari tidak mengetahui hingga menjadi mengetahui.

Kapan Kita belajar: Buat gue anytime.
Kalau pas lagi jalan2, ngeliat ada polisi lagi nilang mobil orang, kita jadi tau khan, kalau parkir di tempat orang itu parkir adalah salah, kena tilang. Artinya besok2 kita gak parkir ditempat orang yang kena tilang tadi. satu pelajaran.

Darimana kita belajar: Dari mana aja.
Normally proses belajar terjadi di sekolah, kursus atau arena pendidikan lain. Tapi proses belajar tidak formal bisa terjadi dimana-mana. Bisa dari buku. Bisa nanya teman yang udah lebih dulu di situ. Bisa dari ngobrol ngalor ngidul. Dari ngeliatin orang ngerjain sesuatu (inget kuis siapa dia jaman dulu??), atau darimana aja deh.
Tapi yang paling utama, belajar dari pengalaman.

Belajar dari buku, ya jelas dong...belajar dari buku, dulu juga gue belajar bikin web tahun 97 dari buku, belajar adobe, awal2nya dari buku. Tapi kebanyakan buku cuma gue pakai 10 lembar halaman pertama, sisanya pengalaman, trial and error. Makanya gue bingung kalau ada orang stick belajar dari buku, dari halaman depan sampai selesai, karena buat gue ilmu yang didapat dari praksis lebih berbekas daripada teori di buku. Tanya teman pas mentok lebih ketemu, ketimbang nelusurin ratusan halaman buku cari problem solving. Tapi kalau pas ada teman enak, kalau gak ada, ya baru deh cari di buku. Karena buat gue, buku adalah referensi. Tapi itu buat gue, dan alhamdulillah gue surivive.

Ngobrol ama teman juga sarana enak buat belajar. Karena kadang2 ilmu dan teori yang kita cari atau kita butuhin gak ada di buku. Tips yang didapat dari pengalaman orang lain, mungkin gak ada di buku. Sambil ngopi, ngomongin bertanam bunga, dapat ilmunya. Kebun gue juga jadi seperti sekarang adalah hasil bantuan dan diskusi gue sama teman gue. Bukan dari gue sendiri. Apalah yang gue tau soal bunga..:-). Buat orang yang ngebagi pengalaman juga ikut senang, karena ilmu dan teori serta tipsnya dipakai, dan yang penting di akui walaupun cuma oleh seorang teman. Tapi kita senang dong kalau bisa ngebagi ke orang lain dan kepakai.

Belajar dari memperhatikan orang melakukan sesuatu, juga berkesan. Inget kuis jaman dulu, yang disuruh nebak misalnya mana yang bukan tukang martabak diantara 4 orang yang memiliki keahlian kurang lebih sama? yang bukan tukang martabak ternyata mahirnya darimana? karena sering lihat, sering juga praktek dan belajar secara tidak langsung dengan bergaul sama tukang martabak asli. Ya jelas, dia udah dapat ilmu permartabakan walaupun dia bukan tukang martabak.

Dan, belajar dari pengalaman. Pengalaman pribadi atau pengalaman orang lain.
Kalau liat orang lain di tilang, artinya kita dapat pelajaran dari pengalaman orang lain. Pengalaman pribadi? ya kalau pernah jatuh di tikungan sebalah sana, besok2 kalau lewat situ lebih hati-hati khan?

What is my point?
My point is: You can learn many things from any medium, TV, computers, everyday life or people at anytime and anywhere.
Where did you get the idea of doing things in life?
you might find the same answer with learning. But it's totally different.

I started beading 4 years ago with beaded bags, it was nice but it took all the time of me but earned nothing. I gave the bags away as a present. But I started bead jewelry months after. The idea was from my sister, started with plastic and some cheap beads. And it also my sister's bracelet who brought me toward swarovski bead jewelry. And after first visit to Swarovski crystal world in Austria, I set up Indieperle with 2 friends from Uni. Until today.
And Yes, I did learn the Techniques from books, and never had any 'real' teacher but myself and some 'poor jewelry' for experiment. But I am grateful and thanked my sister who gave me the idea of earning money with bead jewelry.
No matter where I am, What I am gonna be with this bead jewelry things, as long as I do it, I will always remember my sister, although she did not teach me how to bead. Thanks Sist.!!


Being Nice

There are still alot of nice people in the world. I found out lately, if we were nice, and ask something to people nicely, normally people would react nice too. I was in pretty tight schedule with my jewelry projects, and really need some sort of materials in hand before end of the weeks.
Most of my suppliers are online shop, and quite far from our place. The thing is, when you buy online on a relatively small internet shop, they ask you to pay first, and they will send the goods after the money printed on their account.

It usually takes 3-5 days from the day you order until you receive the goods. 2-3 days for the money to be transfered, and a day for the post to come.
On a tight schedule, I really can not afford to wait. So, I chose some specific shops from whom I ever bought something, and sent some special message that I need the goods in a short time, and would be very grateful if they can send the goods right away, without waiting for the money to be printed out. If needed, I send them also the payment receipt, so they know I did pay.

And they granted my wish. They send the goods a day after I ask them, and I receive it on the next morning. God, I was very grateful and thankful. Because usually they were very strickt with their rule, and I was trying out my luck.

Yeah..maybe some of you would think, " A shop need customers. If they dont treat the customers well, they leave, and the shop out!". Maybe. That is make sense. But I'd rather considered them as a good and nice people.

I remember my mother used to say:
There is no reason not to be nice to the people
If you can be nice to people, why not?

Montag, April 25, 2005

Live Alone and Like It

That's the tittle of this week episode on 'Desperate Housewives'.

The quote:
Half of life is obligations.
You don't want to go to your husband's company christmas party, but you do.
You don't want to sell candies for your Kids, but you will,
You attend your third cousins wedding,
You pick up the dry cleaning...
Half of life is obligation!!

Other words:

Lynette said to Mrs.Mrs. McClusky:
We dont need to be friends!
But for two human beings
WHo lived in the same piece of earth
we can at least trying help each other out, once and for all..

end quote:
Nice right??

Desperate housewives

Salah satu film seri yang lagi gue senangin banget sekarang2 ini adalah 'Desperate Housewives'. Mudah2an bukan karena gue juga desperate jadi housewife ya...bukan. Tapi lebih karena permasalahan yang diangkat, ya real banget, sama dengan kejadian yang kita alami sebagai ibu dan ibu rumah tangga, walaupun mungkin kadarnya yang beda.

Yang jelas, dalam setiap episode ada aja message yang gue tangkap.
Kayak beberapa minggu lalu, waktu Bree lagi sedih dan malu karena lingkungannya tau bahwa suaminya adalah client tetangga mereka yang ketangkap basah waktu lagi praktek prostitusi kelas atas, Macy atau Stacy deh namanya, dia dengan tegarnya nyimpen sendiri, walaupun dia punya teman2 yang kliatannya dekat, tapi ternyata dia gak cukup mampu untuk terbuka. Atau sebaliknya Gabriell, si cantik yang model tapi ternyata lagi kesulitan keuangan, even ngebela2in nyolong WC umum yang mau dipasang di depan rumahnya dibawa ke halaman rumahnya karena gak mampu ngebenerin plumbing kamar mandinya.
Tapi ya dia diem, karena malu dan gak berani terus terang ke teman2nya.
Padahal ya mereka setiap minggu main poker, tapi ya gak pernah tuh mereka terus terang soal masalah mereka masing-masing, apalagi curhat.

Gue lupa kalimat persis mereka gimana, tapi pas Gabriell ke rumahnya Bree numpang ke kamar mandi, Bree ini nanya Gabriell, ada apa, apa mereka ada masalah keuangan sampai gak benerin plumbingnya. Tapi Gabriell ngeles. Bree bilang, khan mereka teman, kenapa gak bilang kalau ada apa-apa. Dan Gabriell yang merasa diserang malah ngebalikin, kalau Bree merasa bahwa mereka teman, kenapa Bree juga gak pernah cerita kalau suaminya termasuk client nya Macy.

Disitu si Bree bengong, speechless. Gue yang nonton juga speechless. Gue bener2 kesentuh. Apa rasanya ya, kita berteman, setiap hari ketemu, tetanggaan, say hi, say nice things to others, main poker bareng, ngrumpy bareng, tapi ternyata yang mereka tampilin di depan kita cuma kedok doang...cuma manisnya aja...Emang sich, judul atasnya nutupin aib, malu ngebuka aib ama tetangga. Ok kalau sama tetangga. Kalau sama teman, beda dong?? dan rasanya kalau udah rutin say hi, ngrumpy bareng, jalan bareng, ya udah bukan cuma tetangga dong....

Disitu gue bersyukur, alhamdulillah sampai saat ini, gue masih ada teman untuk di ajak ngomong, masih ada teman untuk dimintain tolong, untuk dimintain pendapat. Coba kalau nasibnya kayak si istri2 di film itu? kecian bener...
Tapi ya, semua balik lagi ke orang masing2 sich. Kayak di episode itu, akhirnya Bree minjemin uangnya ke Gabriell. Dan belakangan, gue baru ngeh kenapa Bree sampai minjemin uangnya ke Gabriell, karena dia sempat mau ngerayu Macy itu untuk nggak sebutin nama suaminya sebagai clientnya dia dengan nawarin sejumlah uang, tapi di tolak sama Macy buat dia udah telat. Alasan dia melacur itu ya karena uang, coba kalau dari dulu Bree nawarin minjemin uang, gak kejadian khan, dan mereka masih berteman.

Yah, begitu deh...berteman itu gampang2 susah ya...
Terlalu dekat, terlalu perhatian, bisa2 dianggap mau tau, mau nyampurin urusan, sebaliknya kita menghargai privacy mereka dengan tidak bertanya, ujung2nya dibilang gak perdulian. Jadi gimana dong?

Samstag, April 16, 2005

another busy-busy days...:-)

Hi, It's almost 2 weeks since my last posting here. Many things happened. Things changed. Winter is absolutely gone. Spring started, gardening works to be done. Many bead-projects to be finished. Many 'house' works to be done. Kids need attention: school enrollment!. And many-many other things made me wished I had more than 24 hours a day!.
That is the reasons I did not have a chance to write here, although I had some interesting thoughts to share..

I did get more attention from my customers since I started to introduse indieperle products via pdf catalogue. But unfortunately, since I am alone here, I can not take as much as I will, just as much as I can handle.

And then the garden. I saw my neighbour already worked in their garden weeks ago, when I still hardly find my time for gardening. But luckily, this week I did my garden with some help of course, and today I have a new step stone from my terrace to the storage in front, thanks to Ludwig and Ami, good friends who made this happened. It's a nice 'big feet'!.

And the school enrollment for my 1st kid.
This year Kevin will enter elementery school, and last Tuesday was the enrolling day. Everything were fine, except: my 3-lingual son, doesnt speak alot and most importantly, doesnt speak German fluently, according to the teacher.
Kevin is a shy kid. He does not get comfortable with a stranger. The teacher who interviewed him is a stranger, so he did not want to talk too much.
Of course he does not speak German fluently because he speaks English to my husband, and Indonesian to me and German to the German people. And it make sense if he could not say: 'sch' , 'sp' , or 'st' properly. neither might I.
But he did survive '3-years in Kindergarten'. Made friends, speak German, he does speak German, not correctly, even German kid does not know the grammar yet. And I believed that somehow he has this 'multi language' talent like his dad.
But still, whatever I believed, I will find a good teacher for his German to be equal with other kids on his age here. I know the first day would be difficult for him, especially when he has no friend at this school. All of his friends from Kindergarten go to other district elementary school, and since we've moved to other side of the city, his school is quite far from home.